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5 reasons why the press office is important for companies

Relationships are at the heart of our society. Being able to build them and then maintain them, all the more so in an age such as the present, is far from a given. This truth also, and especially, extends to corporate realities as a whole.

The entity in charge of managing and conveying the flow of information about a company is precisely the press office, which, if competent and reliable, can be a concrete turning point for your company. In fact, its ultimate goal is to get positive feedback and improve brand reputation.

The importance of the press office is particularly apparent for 5 reasons:

  • Credibility is the most important thing.

The press office is not just for being visible. In fact, the main reason for its importance lies in the ability to make communication credible. In this way, the company does not just communicate what it does, but creates interest around itself, increasing brand reputation and capturing the attention of other stakeholders: customers, partners, suppliers or anyone else who comes into contact with the company.

  • The content is what matters.

As much as having a beautiful website or social pages that are carefully curated is important to attract attention, it is the content that makes the difference. In fact, one must have the right thing to say and this must be said in the best possible way. The press office is the entity in charge of not only building the content that is interesting and appropriate for the business, but it does so in an engaging way. The goal is, in fact, to make the reader feel part of the company, a privileged user who knows its history and shares its ideals. This aspect also contributes to corporate credibility.

  • Others will still talk about you.

When your company or business enters the market and therefore becomes visible, having a competent press office is necessary to prevent the risk of bad external communications. In fact, with or without official communications, people will still talk about what you do, and you run the risk of circulating misinformation or negative comments that will greatly affect your brand reputation. Obviously, criticism or erroneous articles can occur in any case, but the press office has the task of preventing them or addressing them in a timely manner to avoid questioning the hard work done by the company. 

  • A press review is better than a thousand brochures.

Corporate brochures are for informational purposes, so if done well, they can be useful for communication. Nevertheless, thinking you can substitute them for the press office is one of the biggest mistakes you could make. In fact, they lack the emotional involvement that, instead, you can only achieve with a continuously updated press review. Moreover, this can be leveraged much more broadly than the brochure by sending it to current and potential customers, using the newsletter to make them feel important to the company, and putting it on the website for the company’s presentation. In this way, the press office will not only inform readers at the time of publication, but every material at its disposal will become the archive on which the company’s own credibility is based.

  • Google also needs to remember you.

Finally, the fifth reason why it is important to have a reliable press office concerns online search. This is because every time a user types in Google, or another search engine, the name of your company, not only the website will appear to them, but also several entries with keywords used in internal and external communication. The job of the press office is to leave positive impressions through detailed curation of content and keywords. Only in this way can the company enter the most relevant results for Google, which will immediately show them to users.

So, what are you waiting for to rely on an experienced media agency in the press industry? Mediability has been offering for years a comprehensive press office service that can meet any kind of need. Whether it is an ongoing relationship or sporadic needs or, again, a perhaps sudden impetus without any significant precedent, a team of experts will be able to meet any request quickly and effectively.


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