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Revolution in Turin: I3A, the project that transforms the city into the national center of artificial intelligence

In the scene of emerging technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the most revolutionizing, and it is at the center of many development strategies around the world. In Italy, Turin is preparing to shine brightly in the realm of AI, following the recent designation of the city as the national hub for Artificial Intelligence, announced by Minister Urso on October 17, 2023.

This decision has been enthusiastically welcomed by several representatives of the city and the region, who see this opportunity not only as a recognition of the tenacity and quality of the work being done in Piedmont’s technological fabric but also as a crucial step in accelerating the double transition, environmental and digital, that Italy is facing.

The project, called I3A for Turin, was initially proposed in 2020 but had been put on hold, mainly after the loss of a major bid with Milan to host the European Patent Court. However, now with a defined statute and annual funding of 20 million euros, Turin is preparing to become a dedicated center for AI, focused on automotive and aerospace but open to other sectors as well.

A key element of this initiative is public-private collaboration, with the Diocese of Turin also involved. This synergy is essential to create an environment conducive to innovation, where creative ideas can flourish and turn into practical solutions. In addition, the proposal for the governance of the Italian Institute for Artificial Intelligence is inspired by the model of the IIT in Genoa, seeking to be an independent entity with respect to political and economic balances.

The main goal of the I3A is to become a national pole of excellence related to research, development, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of AI application in Italy. This institute is to lead the development of Artificial Intelligence, becoming its benchmark not only nationally but also internationally.

Moreover, the I3A has a clear focus on research and development in various fields, including 5G, Industry 4.0, cybersecurity, and social innovation. Collaboration with national and international centers of excellence will be essential to fully exploit the potential of AI and bring research results to industry, from large enterprises to startups, thus contributing to the country’s economic and social development.

Another fundamental aspect of the I3A’s work will be knowledge dissemination. By collaborating with schools, universities, and cultural bodies, the institute will aim to spread awareness about what Artificial Intelligence can offer society. This public involvement is crucial to addressing the complex ethical, social, and economic challenges related to AI, making the entire nation aware of the opportunities and challenges this technology brings.

The announcement of the designation of Turin as the location for the National Center for Artificial Intelligence is a signal of hope and confidence in Italy’s technological future. With strong public-private collaboration, independent governance, and a focus on research, development, and dissemination, Turin is preparing to become a beacon of AI, guiding not only the present but also the future of technological innovation in Italy and around the world.

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