"Blind Zones and Points of Light. The psychological dimensions of creativity": psychology meets literature
“Blind Zones and Points of Light. The psychological dimensions of creativity” is the new series of events organized by the Order of Psychologists of Piedmont (OPP) in collaboration with the Foundation Circolo dei lettori.
This is a path of four meetings, open to the whole community, which aims to explore the link between psychology and the creative process. Riccardo Bernardini, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and OPP Secretary, will guide the public throughout the course of the project. He will dialogue with three of the most beloved and brilliant writers of contemporary Italian literature: Chiara Gamberale, Massimo Gramellini and Emanuele Trevi.
Through the pages of novels and essays rich in psychological resonances, participants will become familiar with the role played by psychology in the creative context, with particular reference to writing, coming to explore and understand their own “blind spots”, to undertake a real journey of rebirth towards their own “points of light”. The issues addressed in this series of meetings become particularly important if placed in a national social context such as the current one, still forced to deal with a health emergency that has radically changed the relationship that people have with themselves and with the environment that surrounds them.
The series of meetings kicked off last Monday, February 28, at the Circolo dei lettori Foundation in Turin. The guest of the first evening was Chiara Gamberale, who with “Il grembo paterno” tried to highlight the origin of our questions about love. Today, Monday, March 7, it will be the turn of Emanuele Trevi in “Viaggi iniziatici” (Initiatory Journeys), whose talk will explore the theme of the “initiatory journey”, associating the creative act of writing with that of travelling, in order to reveal its saving and healing power. The third meeting is scheduled for autumn 2022 and will see the return of Chiara Gamberale who, with “Zone cieche e punti di luce”, will accompany readers in their search for words that will speak to us about the inner laws that govern attraction, sex, the continuous battle between our wounds and our hopes. The author will still be present during the last meeting, “Avrò cura di te” (I’ll take care of you), scheduled for winter 2022, in which she will dialogue with Massimo Gramellini trying to deal with the theme of loneliness and discouragement.
The appointments are held at the Sala Grande of the Circolo dei lettori Foundation in via Bogino 9, Turin. Entrance to the events is free of charge, after booking by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling 011-8904401. With the Circolo dei lettori Plus Card you can reserve your place in the rows indicated. FFP2 mask and Super Green Pass are required.
Mediability can only be proud of its well-established role as Press Office and provider of the Press Review for such an important organization as the Order of Psychologists of Piedmont, which with its work contributes to the care and growth of our community.