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Horizon Automotive doesn't stop: here is the new web platform on the site

The recent golden period continues for Horizon Automotive, which continues to reach important goals and to put in place an interesting program: after establishing a partnership with IrenGO, the mobility hub has now also revolutionized the concept of customer relations. How? By launching the brand new web platform, available on its website.

The Milan-based startup has also issued an official statement regarding this event. As you can read inside, according to a survey conducted by Dataforce in 2021 the Long Term Passenger Car Rental is expected to grow by 19.3% compared to 2020, while an 8.4% growth is expected for the LCV segment. Horizon Automotive has been able to seize this positive trend and to innovate it: with the new platform, which offers the customer a wide choice of green cars for rent, Horizon is the first company in Italy to give the possibility to the customer to choose, in a geolocalized way, all its personalized services of green mobility and to see immediately the impact on the rental fee.

Since its conception, the platform has been designed to be client-centered. The launch itself is faithful to this vision: throughout the first month of life of the platform Horizon is committed to pay homage to all customers – individuals, VAT holders and companies – who sign a contract with a Welcome Bonus in fuel vouchers worth 500 euros. Once entered into the platform, the customer can define, in a few clicks and with extreme simplicity, how much budget to allocate to the vehicle, without any unforeseen expense and with the advantage of managing all bureaucratic tasks.

An algorithm allows him to view the best offer on the market of that model, considering also offers in stock, and to receive immediately a reminder about the chosen offer. The objective of Horizon is to offer to the customer a long term rental thought on measure, integrated by the presence of a team of dedicated consultants to always guarantee a high level of assistance.

Everything is designed to make the customer experience more exclusive than ever: the customer can choose the options in the quote phase, select customizable services depending on the geographical area (pick up & delivery, telematic black box, sanitization and delivery of the vehicle at home) and send a reminder of the choices made. The platform also makes available a mapping of the recharging stations for the reference territory of each customer.

To complete this unique rental experience there is MyGarage: it is a virtual and personal garage that gives the customer the opportunity to store quotes and contracts, to compare offers and configurations of selected vehicles and to save and have at their fingertips their favorite products.

The launch of the new platform is part of the efforts of Horizon Automotive to ensure a zero impact electric mobility to preserve the environment. Mediability is proud to support an exciting and ambitious reality as Horizon in the activities of Press Office.


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