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Open Hub, the winning agreement between Abruzzo and Formez leveraging AI

Digitizing procedures and experimenting with Artificial Intelligence to support Municipalities in the preliminary phase of administrative acts. These were the clear needs at the heart of the Agreement signed on July 1st  at the headquarters of the Aurum of Pescara between the Abruzzo Region, Department of Public Service and Formez Pa during the event «Openhub: Abruzzo generator of skills».

The conference, a moment of reflection and constructive discussion on the future of Public Administration in the era of artificial intelligence, allowed to identify the strategies and tools needed to make the best use of this technology in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of administrative action.

In the presence of the Minister for Public Administration Paolo Zangrillo and the President of Formez Giovanni Anastasi, the event had the objective of achieving the generation of administrative procedures for the advancement of expenditure in a standardized and digital way, further strengthening capacity building actions and fully exploiting the potential of digitalization and artificial intelligence.

Faced with this strategy of action based on an interinstitutional collaboration, Anastasi says he is satisfied with his Institute, reaffirming the solidity of the relationship between Formez and the Abruzzo Region and highlighting the goodness of what is being done together: the experience enhances the knowledge and vocation of Formez and gives value to Abruzzo, which is positioned as the leading region in the use of artificial intelligence

An avantgarde agreement that allows the development and enhancement of the administrative capacity of our administrations, essential for the relaunch of the territories and our country. For this important national agreement PressMediaLAB curated the services of press office and media center.


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