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Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte: all the Press Releases published in 2021

Since 2020, Mediability is happy to collaborate with the Order of Psychologists of Piedmont (OPP), a body that cares deeply about the needs of the individual, the community and the territory. As of January 2021, this fruitful collaboration has already produced five press releases. Many different, but important and very topical, issues have been addressed during this period.

In the first release, the entity has sided with children and teens for the reopening of schools, shedding light on what are actually the current problems and inconveniences that our children, because of Distance Learning, are experiencing.

In the second release, attention is focused instead on the role that school has in the lives of children as a place not only of training, but also of personal growth and the creation of bonds. A place that the pandemic has revolutionized since March 2020 precisely with the advent of DAD.

The next release is intended to address our President of the Council, in reference to the vaccination requirement for health professions. The President showed resentment with respect to the fact that psychologists were vaccinating, but we would like to remind you that the psychology profession is a recognized health profession and that, therefore, psychologists were under full obligation to fulfill the vaccination against Covid-19.

The second to last release is dedicated to the Piedmont Region and in particular to the law against gambling. The organization asks that this law not be repealed or depowered, because the effects on mental health of the pandemic could further burden those who suffer from this pathology.

The last press release, finally, concerns the Understanding Memorandum between Regione Piemonte, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Piemonte and OPP, from which a new call for proposals was born, providing funds for the recruitment of Psychologists who will be involved in supporting school staff, students and families.

Mediability has officially taken over the duties of the Press Office of the Order of Psychologists of Piedmont almost a year ago and can only be pleased, as this body brings scientific and social value to the whole community and our territory.


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