Media Coverage Analysis & Media Reputation
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Media Coverage Analysis
& Media Reputation

The means to know and evaluate how much, where and how people talk about you: give and additional value to your media monitoring.
Our analysis service, both quantitative and qualitative, is one of the first examples of “MEDIA COVERAGE ANALYSIS” applied to press, tv/radio, web and social in Italy.

Analyse your media Reputation

Would you like to keep your communication under control, in order to intervene as fast as possible if necessary?

Our platform offers the most extended number of tools to deeply know your communication target, both organic and owned.
Moreover, through the sentiment analysis, Mediability enables you to know the approval ratings and the reactions, either positive or negative, about your Company and its products.

Choose which media to invest in

Would you identify your media share? Are you interested in discovering on which channels you need to enhance the presence of your Brand?

You can collect this information thanks to our analyses, which can also help you to identify which journalists and influencers are the ones who can strengthen your corporate communication.

Get the most suitable report for your needs

Our reports are available in several versions:

besides an automatic one, already set on our platform and autonomously usable, it is also possible to plan detailed studies with our team of analysts and statistic experts. It gives you the possibility to have specific quanti-qualitative analysis of your reputation, tailoring both format and delivery schedule, which can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual, following your needs.

Find out how much, where and how people talk about your Company

In order to estimate the real economic outcome of your editorial communication, its exhaustive evaluation is necessary

Eventually, it represents a useful tool to improve the Company communication plan.

Thanks to our algorithm, we are able to determine your Company Advertising Equivalent Value (AVE) on press, web, tv/radio and social media.

Are you interested in this service?

Reliability and quality are the basis of our work. A team of experts will deal with your request and is ready to support you with your communication needs. Tell us about your project and we will make it a reality together. Contact us!

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