Writing advertising copy: the 6 things you need to know
If you have arrived here, it means that you are trying to figure out the best way to communicate with your audience. Good: you are in the right place!
In this article we will discuss how to develop effective and eye-catching advertising copy.
Copy is in fact the text that accompanies visual content on social, banner ads or websites. Copy is very important, especially on social media, because it is that element that will prompt readers to a call-to-action: for example, sign up for a newsletter, follow a social page, visit a site, or download a piece of content.
So here are 6 key tips for writing the perfect copy!
When we write copy, the first elements to be clear are the what, how and why we are writing it. What do we want to communicate? In what way do we want to do it? And what is our audience?
You have to step into the customer’s shoes, trying to enter their world and communicate it in the best way possible.
Copywriting gives the opportunity to show the most “fun” part of the company: through it, we need to find ways to make the consumer feel the need to know more. Storytelling can also help us in this, as it provides an opportunity to create a bond of empathy with the target audience.
As they say, “less is better”-in fact, especially on social media, copy must be short and impactful. We must write what the consumer wants to hear; there is no place for run-on sentences and repetitive concepts! The words used must be simple, direct and easy to understand. We must, in addition, avoid filling our copy with adjectives.
Before we even start writing, we need to understand what the mission and vision of the individual or company are: simply put, we need to understand what the crucial goals and values are, so that we can mold ourselves to them and put them at the forefront of our texts.
Get out of your comfort zone, look beyond it. A good copywriter can master all styles of writing: he must write not as he would write, privately, but as the brand would. Be original, take inspiration from your surroundings, and above all, try to imagine what might drive you to take the action the company seeks. Many brands use catchy, originai slogans to attract attention.
The copy must be relative to the visual content. Inspire the customer, awaken the emotion they will feel once the need is met, through the use of fresh, simple words. The conversational tone always wins! Give people a reason to take the action you ask of them, do it in a playful and light-hearted way.
At the end of the writing phase, there comes a time to take a break: taking a break from work is essential to be able to clear your mind and return to it later with even clearer ideas.
Having come to the end, we can say that you now have the foundation for writing the perfect copy for your visual content!
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